In [1]:
### Implementing model from Geisler et al 2010
### Place cell maps: Rate based.
from numpy import *
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
import as cmx
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from scipy import signal as sg
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft
import peakutils.peak as pk
##For colour bar: is in the same folder
import makecmap as mc
##For checking freq is in theta band (4-12 Hz):
import checktheta as ct
##For generating spiketimes:
import spikegen as spg
%matplotlib inline
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#### Firing Rate maps (in time) or Firing Probabilities for individual cells:
def SingleNeuronRateMap(t, f0=8.6, tau_n=0.075*1, sigma=0.5/sqrt(2), T_n=1):
Sigmoidal rate function modulated by Gaussian envelope.
t : Time array
f0 (=8.6 Hz) : Intrinsic theta frequency/frequency of modulation of single cell firing
tau_n (=0.075) : Theta phase of neuron
sigma (=0.5/sqrt(2)) : Half-Width of gaussian envelope
T_n (=1) : Centre of place field of cell/Time of maximal firing
Gaussian envelope: 1/sqrt(pi*sigma) * exp( -(t-Tn)^2/sigma^2 )
Firing rate is oscillatory(at freq f0) and phase shift is 2*pi*f0*tau_n
return ( 1+exp(2j*pi*f0*(t-tau_n)) ) * 1/(sqrt(pi)*sigma)*exp(-(t-T_n)**2/sigma**2)
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#### Parameters:
TotalL = 5.0 #s # Length of arena (Assuming constant running speed in forward direction)
#### Parameters for ratemap: Homogenous population
L = 1.5 #s # Place field size in time: L = s*PFS where
# s = running speed, PFS = Place field size in space
f0 = 8.6 #Hz # Oscillation frequency of single neurons
c = 0.075 # Compression factor
sigma = L/(3*sqrt(2)) # Sigma of gaussian envelope of SNRM [single neuron rate map]
#### Distriuting place field centres
N = 100 # No. of place cells
Tn = arange(0,TotalL,TotalL/N) # Place field centres : uniformly distributed
## Time lag tau_n is correlated with position T_n of place-field centres.
## Experimental: Sigmoidal. Linear for large range. Model: Related by compression factor.
taun = c*Tn # Theta -scale time lag. Depends on compression factor.
# How separated are 2 place cell's theta phase given their
# separation in space? Ans: delta tau_n = c * delta T_n
#### Simulation parameters
delt = 0.001 # Delta t: time step
t = arange(0, TotalL, delt) # Time array
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######## Rate maps:
rates = zeros([N, len(t)], dtype=complex) ### To hold rate maps for all cells
#### Create place cell maps:
for i in xrange(0,N):
rates[i][:] = SingleNeuronRateMap(t,tau_n=taun[i], T_n = Tn[i], sigma=sigma)
####### Plotting:
#### Plotting rate maps for example cells
num_of_maps = 4 ### No. of example rate maps
cells_to_plot = range(0, N, int(N/num_of_maps))
colorbar = mc.MakeColourMap(N)
fig1 = figure(figsize=(8,5))
for idx in cells_to_plot:
line = abs(rates[idx][:])
colorVal = colorbar.to_rgba(idx)
plot(t, line, color=colorVal, linewidth=2.0) #Add label if you want legend.
ylabel('Discharge probability for individual place cells')
xlabel('(Space or) Time (sec) with constant running speed')
title('Rate maps for various place cells')
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#### Population activity:
nfactor = 2*(Tn[1] - Tn[0]) ### Normalization factor
poprate = np.sum(rates,0)*nfactor ### Population rate
plot(t, abs(poprate), color='b', linewidth=2.0)
xlabel('Time (sec)')
ylabel('Population Firing Rate')
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### Power spectrum of rate maps:
ns = len(poprate)
pop_fft = fft(poprate) # Population rate FFT
cell_fft = fft(rates[N/2][:]) # FFT for a single neuron rate map
freq = np.arange(0.0,1.0/(2*delt),1.0/(2*delt)*2/ns) # Frequency array (0 to fmax)
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A = fig3.add_subplot(111)
A.plot(freq,2.0/ns*abs(pop_fft[0:ns/2])/N, color ='b' , linewidth = 2.0)
B = A.twinx() # Same x-axis, different scales on y-axis
B.plot(freq,2.0/ns*abs(cell_fft[0:ns/2]), 'r-' , linewidth =2.0)
A.set_xlim([0.05, 15]) # Plot upto freq = 15Hz
A.set_ylabel('Population activity: Power', color='b' )
A.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
B.set_ylabel('Individual cell activity: Power', color ='r')
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### Protocol for finding frequency with peak power:
### Finding local peaks ( and above threshold = 20% Peak power)
### pk.indexes returns the "indices" of the local peaks
LFP_freq = pk.indexes(abs(pop_fft[0:ns/2]), thres=0.2) #Indices of local maximas in power spectrum of poprate
Intrinsic_freq = pk.indexes(abs(cell_fft[0:ns/2]), thres=0.2) #Indices of local maximas in power spectrum of cell rates
### What is the frequency (in theta band) at which single neuron or population activity is modulated?
### Theta band used: 4-12 Hz
## LFP
LFP_Theta = ct.CheckThetaFreq( LFP_freq, freq )
if LFP_Theta>12:
print 'No Peak in Theta Band for population activity'
print 'Population rate is modulated at frequency', LFP_Theta, 'Hz'
## Individual cells
Intrinsic_Theta = ct.CheckThetaFreq( Intrinsic_freq, freq )
if Intrinsic_Theta < 12:
print 'Individual cell firing rate is modulated at frequency', Intrinsic_Theta, 'Hz'
print 'No Peak in Theta Band for individual cell activity'
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example_cells = [int(0.35*N), int(0.65*N)]
peak_times = {}
threshold = 0.2 ## Minimum normalized peak size to be detected
# Detecting peaks in firing rates
for ii in example_cells:
pks = sg.argrelextrema(abs(rates[ii][:]), np.greater)
thresh_pk = threshold * max(abs(rates[ii])) #Minimum peak size
idx = where(abs(rates[ii][pks]) >= thresh_pk)
peak_times[ii] = pks[0][idx[0]]
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### X-axis limits based on plotted spiketimes
mintime = t[ peak_times[example_cells[0]][0] ] # First spike
maxtime = t[ peak_times[example_cells[-1]][-1] ] # Last spike
### Plotting:
fig4 = figure(figsize=(12,6))
# Plot population rate for reference
plot(t, abs(poprate), color='k', label='Population rate', linewidth=1.5)
#Plot peaks for example cells
for idx in example_cells:
ptimes = peak_times[idx]
plot(t[ptimes], abs(poprate[ptimes]), 'ro', color=colorVal, markersize=12.0, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=1.5, label='Spiketimes for Cell {}'.format(idx) )
xlabel('Time (sec)')
xlim([mintime-100*delt, maxtime+100*delt])
ylabel('Population rate')
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## Demonstration: If LFP has no theta peak, work with a dummy theta.
if LFP_Theta > 12:
LFP_Theta = f0*(1-c)
### Define phase wrt LFP theta oscillations
# Find first population trough to set as phase 0.
skip = int(1.0/delt) #Skip initial 1.0s to avoid edge effects
pop_troughs = sg.argrelextrema(poprate[skip:], np.less)
### Now that you have population rate troughs, you can calculate phase in each cycle wrt to
### distance between successive troughs. This is useful when your power spectrum does not show a
### single strong peak in the theta band.
### For this tutorial, we will assume a a constant frequency oscillation. Thus, the first trough
### can be used to set all phases
pop_phase0 = pop_troughs[0][0] # because the fn argrel... returns tuple of arrays
phase = mod(2*pi*LFP_Theta*(t-t[pop_phase0+skip]), 2*pi) # Array with LFP phase
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xhigh = max(len(peak_times[idx]) for idx in example_cells)
## Plot phase of successive peaks
for idx in example_cells:
colorVal = colorbar.to_rgba(idx)
ptimes = peak_times[idx]
numspikes = len(ptimes)
plot(range(1,numspikes+1), phase[ptimes]*180/pi, 'ro', color=colorVal,label='Spike phase for cell{}'.format(idx))
xlabel('Peak number')
ylabel('Phase of peak')
xlim([0, xhigh+1])
ylim([-10, 370])
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### New set of example cells
peak_times2 = {}
threshold2 = 0.2 ## Minimum normalized peak size to be detected
# Detecting peaks in firing rates
for ind in example_cells2:
pks = sg.argrelextrema(abs(rates[ind][:]), np.greater)
thresh_pk = threshold * max(abs(rates[ind][:])) #Minimum peak size
idx = where(abs(rates[ind][pks]) >= thresh_pk)
peak_times2[ind] = pks[0][idx[0]]
fig6 = figure()
for idx in example_cells2:
maxrate = amax(abs(rates[idx][:]))
ptimes = peak_times2[idx]
plot( phase[ptimes]*180/pi, abs(rates[idx][ptimes])/maxrate, color=colorVal, linewidth=2.0)
xlabel('"LFP" Theta Phase (deg)')
ylabel('Normalised firing rate')
title('Firing rate and phase for various place cells')
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maxFR = 20 #Hz ()Max instantaneous firing rate
threshold = 0.25
trials = 500
spiketimes ={}
TimePeriod = 1/LFP_Theta #in sec
spiking_cell = N/2
for ii in range(trials):
spiketimes[ii] = spg.GenerateSpikeTimes(abs(rates[spiking_cell][:]), t, ns, delt, maxFR, threshold)
## Raster plot
## ???
### Setting x-limits
##To trap for empty trials
for ii in range(trials):
if len(spiketimes[ii])>0:
xlow=min(xlow, t[spiketimes[ii][0]])
xhigh=max(xhigh, t[spiketimes[ii][-1]])
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## Phase of spikes:
## Find Pop troughs and peaks:
troughs = arange(-3*TimePeriod+t[pop_phase0], max(t), TimePeriod)
peaks = arange(-2.5*TimePeriod+t[pop_phase0], max(t), TimePeriod)
### Plotting phases if spikes
for ii in range(trials):
plot(t[spiketimes[ii]], phase[[spiketimes[ii]]]*180/pi , 'ro', color=colorVal)
bar(troughs,[400 for jj in troughs], bottom=[-20 for jj in troughs], width=2*delt, color='k', label='Population Troughs')
bar(peaks,height=[400 for jj in peaks], bottom=[-20 for jj in peaks], width=2*delt, color='r', edgecolor='r', label='Population Peaks')
xlabel('Time (sec)')
ylabel('Phase of population activity (degrees) for each spike')
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#### Creating histogram:
#### Bins for histogram of spike times for spk_cells
bins = arange(xlow, xhigh, (xhigh-xlow)/numofbins)
[spikecount,b] = histogram(t[spiketimes[0]], bins)
count = spikecount
for ii in xrange(1,trials):
[spikecount,b] = histogram(t[spiketimes[ii]], bins)
count += spikecount
## Histogram of spike times for example cell:
bar(bins[:-1], count, width=(bins[1]-bins[0])*0.9, label='Spike count over all trials')
## Theta peaks and troughs:
#bar(troughs, [yhigh for jj in troughs], width=delt ,color='k', edgecolor='k', label='Population troughs')
bar(peaks, [yhigh for jj in peaks], width=2*delt ,color='r', edgecolor='r', label='Population peaks')
ylim([0, yhigh])
xlabel('Time (in s)')
ylabel('Spike count over %d trials'%(trials))
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## Use same PF centres, but change widths, intrinsic frequency, compression factor, tau_n
L = 1/(8.7)+3+rand(N)*5 # Place field size : Between 3.x and 8.x second, x=1/8.7
# (Assuming constant running speed in forward direction)
sigma = L/(3*sqrt(2)) # Sigma of gaussian envelope of PF
f0 = 8.6 - 1/L #Hz # Oscillation frequency of single neurons: Use diff distributions.
# Here, dependent on L. (L and f0 co-vary across EC layers and dorsoventrally)
c = 1/multiply(L,f0) # Compression factor: L*c*f0 = 1
taun = multiply(c,Tn) #Theta -scale time lag
rates = zeros([N, len(t)], dtype=complex)
#### Create place cell maps:
for i in xrange(0,N):
rates[i][:] = SingleNeuronRateMap(t,f0=f0[i],tau_n=taun[i], T_n = Tn[i], sigma=sigma[i])
### Get population activity:
poprate = np.sum(rates,0)*nfactor
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plot(range(N), L, 'ro')
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#### Plotting rate maps for example cells
num_of_maps = 8 ### No. of example rate maps
cells_to_plot = range(0, N, int(N/num_of_maps))
colorbar = mc.MakeColourMap(N)
fig1 = figure(figsize=(8,5))
for idx in cells_to_plot:
line = abs(rates[idx][:])
colorVal = colorbar.to_rgba(idx)
plot(t, line, color=colorVal, linewidth=2.0) #Add label if you want legend.
ylabel('Discharge probability for individual place cells')
xlabel('(Space or) Time (sec) with constant running speed')
title('Rate maps for various place cells')
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### Plot poprate
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### Spiking cells:
### Generate spikes. Plot phase versus
maxFR = 20 #Hz ()Max instantaneous firing rate
threshold = 0.25
trials = 500
spiketimes ={}
TimePeriod = 1/LFP_Theta #in sec
spiking_cell = N/2
for ii in range(trials):
spiketimes[ii] = spg.GenerateSpikeTimes(abs(rates[spiking_cell][:]), t, ns, delt, maxFR, threshold)
## Raster plot
## ???
### Setting x-limits
##To trap for empty trials
for ii in range(trials):
if len(spiketimes[ii])>0:
xlow=min(xlow, t[spiketimes[ii][0]])
xhigh=max(xhigh, t[spiketimes[ii][-1]])
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## Phase of spikes:
## Find Pop troughs and peaks:
trs =sg.argrelextrema(abs(poprate), np.less)
pks =sg.argrelextrema(abs(poprate), np.greater)
troughs = t[trs]
peaks = t[pks]
### Getting phase from population troughs:
for ii in range(trials):
cell_phase[ii] = []
for jj in range(len(spiketimes[ii])):
tr_next=searchsorted(troughs, t[spiketimes[ii][jj]])
cell_phase[ii].append( (t[spiketimes[ii][jj]] - troughs[tr_prev] )*360/(troughs[tr_next] -troughs[tr_prev]))
### Plotting phases if spikes
for ii in range(trials):
plot(t[spiketimes[ii]], cell_phase[ii] , 'ro', color=colorVal)
bar(troughs,[400 for jj in troughs], bottom=[-20 for jj in troughs], width=2*delt, color='k', label='Population Troughs')
bar(peaks,height=[400 for jj in peaks], bottom=[-20 for jj in peaks], width=2*delt, color='r', edgecolor='r', label='Population Peaks')
xlabel('Time (sec)')
ylabel('Phase of population activity (degrees) for each spike')
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### Power spectrum of population activity
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### Power spectrum of rate maps: Population and example cell
ns = len(poprate)
pop_fft = fft(poprate) # Population rate FFT
cell_fft = fft(rates[0][:]) # FFT for a single neuron rate map
freq = np.arange(0.0,1.0/(2*delt),1.0/(2*delt)*2/ns) # Frequency array (0 to fmax)
A = fig3.add_subplot(111)
A.plot(freq,2.0/ns*abs(pop_fft[0:ns/2])/N, color ='b' , linewidth = 2.0)
B = A.twinx() # Same x-axis, different scales on y-axis
B.plot(freq,2.0/ns*abs(cell_fft[0:ns/2]), 'r-' , linewidth =2.0)
A.set_xlim([0.05, 15]) # Plot upto freq = 15Hz
A.set_ylabel('Population activity: Power', color='b' )
A.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
B.set_ylabel('Individual cell activity: Power', color ='r')
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### Protocol for finding frequency with peak power:
### Finding local peaks ( and above threshold = 20% Peak power)
### pk.indexes returns the "indices" of the local peaks
LFP_freq = pk.indexes(abs(pop_fft[0:ns/2]), thres=0.15) #Indices of local maximas in power spectrum of poprate
Intrinsic_freq = pk.indexes(abs(cell_fft[0:ns/2]), thres=0.15) #Indices of local maximas in power spectrum of cell rates
### What is the frequency (in theta band) at which single neuron or population activity is modulated?
### Theta band used: 4-12 Hz
## LFP
LFP_Theta = ct.CheckThetaFreq( LFP_freq, freq )
if LFP_Theta>12:
print 'No Peak in Theta Band for population activity'
print 'Population rate is modulated at frequency', LFP_Theta, 'Hz'
## Individual cells
Intrinsic_Theta = ct.CheckThetaFreq( Intrinsic_freq, freq )
if Intrinsic_Theta < 12:
print 'Individual cell firing rate is modulated at frequency', Intrinsic_Theta, 'Hz'
print 'No Peak in Theta Band for individual cell activity'